Codec Music
Production Collaboration
Mix Examples:
Mixing - send me anything from two tracks of voice + instrument, to a full multi-track and I can turn around a mix in 2 weeks with one revision based on your feedback.
Live take polishing - send me a live performance track and I can run it though high quality analogue EQ and compression, along with adjusting the level to bring out the best sonics and prepare it for upload.
Guitar Re-amping - send me an electric guitar DI track (with notes on the sound you're looking for or rough mix of the track it needs to sit in) and I'll run the signal out through a re-amp box into a valve VOX amp, recording the output with three quality mics and send you back the separate tracks to drop into your mix.
Bass processing - send me a bass guitar DI track (with notes on the sound you're looking for or rough mix of the track it needs to sit in) and I will run the clean signal though dbx analogue bass compressor and elysia EQ to achieve the sound you need.
Midi drum tracking - send me your track, its BPM and style notes and I will use a hybrid drum kit with drum software to produce an original drum performance track for you to use in your mix. You can receive just the midi track, a rendered set of multi-track WAV files or simply a stereo mix. (Note: live acoustic drum performance and recording is also available but not as a free first service).
BVs - send me a lead vocal or complete mix and I can add male backing vocals, either using your recorded guide track, sheet music or I can create one from scratch.
Codec Music is small project studio in Brighton, UK helping independent, self-produced bands and solo artists. My name's Tim and I've built up a range of skills and gear for recording, producing and mixing my own and other people's music.
I'm pitching services to bands and artist like me, who need practical, problem-solving help with certain elements of their production - whether its a single live take, a track within a mix or a full multi-track session. One of the issues I've found with self-production is the lack of real-time, technical and creative production collaboration.
The services listed above outline the ways I think I can help, but if there's something else you're looking for then please get in touch and I'll come back quickly on whether I can help or not. Contact me via email.
I'm offering the first service for free - anything from the list above.